To Anyone and Everyone,
I'm not at all the kind of person to publicly complain about any individual, group, organization, or movement I'm loyal to. I strongly believe that "washing your dirty laundry in public" is not only wrong but harmful in many ways. It's not only embarrassing to yourself but also discouraging to others. You don't want your speech or writings to become a deterrent for others who would otherwise embark on something that, even if some correctible imperfections, is basically good, uplifting, edifying, and helpful.
My family and I are proud ProLife Democrats. As devout cradle Catholics, we uphold equality, social and economic justice, friendly and welcoming immigration policies, universal access to healthcare, a living wage, climate action, gun control, and, needless to say, the sanctity and dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
That's why I'm doing this.
To anyone reading my post:
- If you're a Democrat ready and willing "to vote blue no matter who", you're all set. You don't really need to read this--but you might want to as I believe I can give you some good arguments to talk to others. And if you're a Dem in the public eye, please do read it--before it's too late!!!
- If you're a Republican and a fanatic right-wing Trump supporter, there's no need for you to read it--because nothing I or anyone says will make you change your mind. And even if you claim to be avidly religious, you already closed your heart to more than half of the two components of being religious: not only to love God but also to love your neighbor.
- If you're a Republican but like Barbara Bush (George W. Bush's wife), Patti Davis (Ronald Reagan's daughter), John McCain, and countless others, you feel disillusioned with and betrayed by the current administration, or you're undecided only because you still believe Trump's false claims to be ProLife, please read!!!
Abortion is the murder of a defenseless victim. Hearing abortion propagandists talk, many people shudder and turn ProLife. The problem is when those infected by racism, xenophobia, and homophobia falsely claim to be ProLife . . . because they turn many away from the ProLife cause, hurting it much more deeply than the most recalcitrant pro-abortion activist can. They're the worst threat to the sanctity and dignity of human life--and are getting away with what they're doing!!!
Fellow Democrats,
I'm doing this NOT as a detractor but for Democrats to win--because my family and I are totally with you.
I'm deeply concerned, really appalled to see how many Democrats in key political positions refuse to take the only easy, costless, effortless, and failproof step needed to defeat Trump and his right-wing scoundrels in November. Winning the upcoming election is in your hands--if only all of you stop being stubborn and allow some ProLife Democrats more visibility in this fight. That's all you need. No matter how much you spend on the campaign, Trump has big corporate interests backing him with much larger amounts. Yet, a few speeches from some ProLife Democrats will for sure win you the election without spending one cent.
Even if you yourself are not ProLife, please acknowledge how much is at stake. Please do it for the sake of immigrants and refugees in need of more welcoming policies, of individuals with pre-existing conditions and low-income families in need of universal access to healthcare, of minorities and foreigners in need of a society free from prejudice and xenophobia, of the LGBT+ community in need of acceptance with no homophobic attacks, and for the sake of the population at large, in need of social and economic justice, climate action, and gun control.
Trump is NOT ProLife. He never was and he's NOT ProLife now either. Why does he claim to be, then? Because that serves his political goals. And, by falsely claiming to be ProLife, he'll get himself four more years in office destroying thousands of human lives.
I'm a ProLife Democrat--because I'm a Catholic. And I can assurer you that by just giving some more visibility to the over two million ProLife Democrats like me, you'll get the Catholic vote--and you'll win the election. Catholic Social Teaching upholds equality, social and economic justice, and respect for all. It breathes social sensitivity and is an exhortation to welcome the immigrant, shelter the homeless, and feed the hungry. Therefore, most Catholics agree with the Democratic Party's platform. The issue is that we also affirm and defend the sanctity and dignity of human life from conception to natural death. And here is where the Democratic Party creates a moral conflict for many. It is abhorrent for us to see immigrant families separated at the border, to see children placed in cages, to hear racial slurs coming from the White House and find white supremacists and KKK members parading on the streets. It is also abhorrent for us to think that anyone might be denied proper medical care due to lack of ability to pay or sexual orientation. We're NOT the so-called 'religious right'. We understand 'religious freedom' as the right and the duty to refuse any participation in the murder of an innocent child--but NOT as the right to deny counseling to a gay couple or refuse to bake a cake. No problem so far. Yet, it's also abhorrent for us the thought of a preborn baby being dismembered alive or having their little brains sucked out. So, by trying to silence the over two million ProLife Democrats who could win you the elections, you force us to choose between our commitment to equality and social justice and our commitment to the sanctity of human life.
Some of us have the level of education and discernment to realize that the worst enemy of the ProLife movement is the right-wing pretending to be ProLife while endorsing death in so many ways. Every time I hear a Trump supporter claim to be ProLife I feel sick to my stomach. By the same token, there is no better way to make the public opinion turn ProLife than letting abortion supporters saying that it's okay for a mother to kill her child.
Do you realize how horrible that sounds? Maybe not everyone is able, ready, or willing to parent a kid. But--there are millions of families worldwide praying and crying for a child to love--or for more children to love. The argument of the "unwanted child" is only a myth. I have three biological children and five adopted ones--and am very involved in the adoption community, There are plenty of families willing to adopt not only infants or toddlers but also school-age children and teens with the most severe physical and developmental challenges, with the most serious medical conditions, and the most concerning acting out behaviors.
I'm NOT asking you to change your personal pro-abortion opinion. But if you're truly progressive, and at least for the sake of winning this election, why can't you also talk about empowering those single somen who want to raise their babies to be able to do so with better assistance in any respect they may need? Why can't you talk about making adoption less bureaucratic and more affordable so that any family that wants to add more children can do so?
I'm not talking about a few extra votes--but about millions of votes pouring in, about millions of new Democratic voters from one day to the other. By just opening up a little more to ProLife Democrats you can make it. There are millions of people who'd vote Democrat if only you were not so much pro-abortion! Moreover, you cannot be open to others if you're unable to allow different opinions within your same party. Show the world that Democrats are better!!! Don't imitate Trump who seeks revenge on those who testified against him or voted in favor of his impeachment.
By giving some room to ProLifers, you'll be opening many more doors for yourselves--not only among Catholics but also among believers from all faiths. You'll be getting most of the Hispanic and Native American votes too. And the votes of many former Republicans who are disappointed in this deplorable present administration.
Just by expressing your intention to make adoption easier you could significantly increase your chances to win the election because many more ProLifers would vote Democrat. International and private domestic adoption costs are exorbitant and the fost-adopt process is too long and enervating, Nevertheless, so, so many families want to adopt!!! In two lines I can summarize a personal story: By voluntarily doing without needed treatment and surgeries for her cataracts and her knees, my Mom, Nydia Soracco-Godone, now with God, happily sacrificed her own mobility and eyesight for the sake of my international adoption expenses, first from Haiti and then from Bulgaria, for those five boys to become my sons--and my three oldest (bio) children gave of themselves much more than words can say, more than they should have given, and certainly more than I should have allowed them to give as they put many of their own goals and dreams aside--because in their hears and in their minds, their younger brothers' best interests came first.
I'll wrap up this communication in just two lines---and please, take my advice into consideration: Give some more visibility to some ProLife Democrats and for sure you'll win the election. All that may prevent you from winning in November is your recalcitrant pro-abortion position. Is it worth it?
My family and I don't want four more years of Trump. I'm sure you don't either.
Thank you--and, whether ProLife or pro-abortion, let's join Democratic forces to defeat the right-wing,
Lillian Godone-Maresca